Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Have you read the Christmas story? If you have not, I encourage you to do so - and make it a practice! It seems as we grow up, we no longer "have" to read the Christmas story, because we no longer "have" to be in church pagents and memorize one or two verses found in Luke. But, as we age our opinions should change - we now "get" to read the Christmas story for pure enjoyment and to remind us that while we were unworthy, God himself became man in the form of a babe and came to this earth.

We all know the Christmas story - a young man and woman make their way to Bethlehem where they have to pay their taxes. There was no place for them to rest for the night, except in a barn - basically. It was in that barn that the baby was born. God could have waited 2,000 years before he sent his son; Mary could have given birth in the best hospital in town with the best doctors surrounding her and with the most sterile equipment. But He chose to come into the world in a dirty barn.

Jesus was sent to the earth for all people, not just a select few.

Everyone at Habitat wishes you a safe and Merry Christmas!

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