Saturday, February 07, 2009

A New Year!

Habitat for Humanity of Kanawha and Putnam County seeks to engage volunteers from all walks of life as we strive to eliminate substandard housing. And now that winter is working it’s way out, everyone at Habitat for Humanity is gearing up to hit the ground running (or should I say building) as soon as the weather permits. In 2008, we were able to partner with 7 families and build with and for each of them a safe, decent and affordable house.

We were very blessed last year in that we had 44 faith organizations, 30 businesses and 5 youth camps join us in our mission. Several of the churches and businesses volunteered in the spring and had such a dynamic and rewarding experience, that they volunteered again in the fall. Needless to say, we look forward to partnering with them this year, too.

We are also very blessed to have a extraordinary group of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday volunteers that would love to have new volunteers on their teams. These volunteers work all year round and without all of these volunteers, the work that we do would not be possible.

So, if you are interested in joining a weekday team, bringing in a team of volunteers, need service learning hours for school, or as an individual volunteer, please call our office at 304-720-0141 and ask for Donna DeHart.

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