"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead
Last November, Habitat for Humanity Of Kanawha and Putnam County hosted an event in which we acknowledged the many “Blessings” of our ministry, including the servant leadership of Mike and Tina McCready. We were also able to raise enough funds to build a house in honor of the McCready’s!
On May 26, we began construction on the “Blessings” house and we will be working on it throughout June and July. Mike and Tina and their friends and church family, Blessed Sacrament, worked the first week of the build and were able to get the house under roof in 5 days. Stephanie Southers, the future homeowner was and will continue to be on site to work alongside the volunteers.
Remember, you don’t have to construction expertise to volunteer, just a willingness to help a deserving family realize the dream of homeownership.
If you are interested in volunteering on our “Blessings” house or any of our other houses, please contact me at 304-720-0141 or sign up on the volunteer section on this web site.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Donna DeHart
Volunteer Manager
Habitat for Humanity
Kanawha and Putnam County
815 Court Street
Charleston, WV 25301