Saturday, March 28, 2009

University of Charleston Men's Soccer Team

A big thank you goes out to the University of Charleston's men's soccer team for the work they did Saturday, March 21st on Elsie's house. They dug the drainage system and shingled the roof.

Coach Chad Duernberger

Saturday, March 21, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Volunteer Appreciation Party

Thanks to everyone that came to the St. Patrick's Day Volunteer Appreciation party! It was a great night to show a small amount of appreciation to those crew members that give so much to the Habitat mission. The night was a also full of fresh green ideas for building and recycling. Building houses that are more energy efficient is a win/win for everyone involved, especially by saving our Partner Families money on their utility bills.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Montgomery Bound

The day is finally drawing near, when we will begin working on David and Lisa Lewis’ house in Montgomery. We will be needing all of the volunteers we can get, to get this house completed, so please consider volunteering in Montgomery. This very deserving and patient family will be working side by side with you when they are not working or taking care of the grandbaby. See you in Montgomery!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Spring, Glorious Spring!

I saw my first Spring lily today! That is a sure sign that spring is officially on it’s way and it could not come soon enough. Kudos to the volunteers that came out in sub-zero temperatures and worked outside all day the past few months. They are some of the many heroes of Habitat!

Starting next weekend I have lined up 9 volunteer groups for Fridays and Saturdays in March and April in Charleston. Some volunteer groups such as Bowles & Rice law firm and Saturn of Hurricane commit to several workdays because they have so many employees that want to participate. Also, a new youth camp from Liberty, Indiana will be coming in April. In the summer months we have our usual youth camps such as Saint Michael’s and some new ones, too. As for Montgomery, I have volunteers on call for as soon as the site prep work and foundation are completed.

We can always use more volunteers! The more volunteers we have, the more houses we can build! The days are going to be beautiful and together we can work together in our own community to help eliminate substandard housing! If you are planning your Spring break, plan on volunteering one or more of those days on a Habitat for Humanity jobsite. We would love to have you. No skills or tools necessary, just a good attitude and a desire to make a difference! If you are interested in volunteering on a Habitat for Humanity job site, please give Donna DeHart a call at 304-720-0141.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's in the Driveway

At Habitat for Humanity for Kanawha and Putnam County, we have usually poured the driveways towards the end of a build. Starting with Elsie McClendon’s house on Hanna Drive, we are going to pour the driveway in the earliest stages of the build. We will also be landscaping and working on the lot.

In the past we have left this work towards the end of the build. Afterwards, it is very hard to get volunteers to “go back” and do these outdoor tasks. Although, in our defense, the last few months, it has been impossible to do any landscaping. Rather than wait for the first youth camp to come and landscape House #122 and #124, we will be utilizing the Job Corps as soon as weather permits.

With the driveway poured before major construction begins on the house it will get us somewhat out of the mud and we will have a level, dry area in which to set up tools, unload materials, etc. It will also make for a safer situation in getting in and out of the house. And in cases where we are not supposed to turn around in other people’s driveways, we can turn around in our own.

Donna DeHart

Volunteer Manager

Habitat for Humanity

Kanawha and Putnam County

815 Court Street

Charleston, WV 25301
